
Maintaining Millions –  7 Financial Habits Employed By Self-Made Millionaires

Building and maintaining wealth are two of the most common goals that people express. Having a good income and solid financial habits allows you a level of freedom that you simply cannot achieve any other way. So, it makes sense to strive to build a nest egg that will help you live your best life. While we can’t make the millions for you, we can share the financial habits self-made millionaires employ to build and maintain their wealth.

1. Holding Physical Assets

One of the biggest ways in which self-made millionaires hold their wealth is through commercial property investment, so this is a great goal to start working towards. While getting onto the property ladder requires a significant initial outlay, it can provide a steady income for years to come. Because your asset is physical, a lot of the stress of being at the mercy of the market is alleviated as your property isn’t likely to disappear overnight. 

2. Using Debt To Their Advantage

While most of us have been brought up to believe that debt is a terrible thing, there are actually both good and bad kinds of debt. The type that makes you money – such as a mortgage on an investment property – is considered good debt, while a car loan is an example of bad debt. Self-made millionaires focus on eliminating bad debts and making use of good ones to improve and maintain their financial situation.

3. Having A Team Of Smart Money Managers

Few people reach millionaire levels of wealth on their own. That’s why you’ll often find that these people surround themselves with a team of money-savvy individuals who can help them out. Finding a good tax accountant and financial advisor should be high on your to-do list as soon as you have the budget to do so. 

4. Taking Advantage Of Compound Interest

Another way self-made millionaires protect their wealth is by taking advantage of compound interest. In some cases, the best thing you can do with your funds is to park them in a high-interest savings account or low-risk investment option and watch them grow all on their own.

5. Being In The Stock Market

The stock market carries many risks, but as long as you’re smart about where you invest your funds, it can also offer great returns. This one is certainly a long-term strategy, and you’re going to want to ensure that you have a diversified portfolio that pays a decent amount of dividends. However, in most cases, you won’t lose anything as long as you’re in the market for two decades or more. The returns can offer excellent funding for your future. 

6. Having Emergency Funds

Another important factor that will impact how well you can maintain your wealth is whether or not you have emergency funds set aside. Self-made millionaires always ensure that they have easy-to-access cash if they need to cover any unexpected expenses. This ensures they never have to sell off assets or go into debt should an emergency arise.

7. Earning Multiple Income Streams

Finally, self-made millionaires rarely get there on a single income alone. If you really want financial freedom, it is important to develop a mix of both passive and active income sources that are scalable. By doing so, you can leverage them to build wealth and prosperity. 

While not all of these financial habits are immediately actionable, this article should provide you with a solid overview of the steps to take in order to build financial freedom. Implement what you can today, and go from there.

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