
Upcoming Class Reunion? Here Are 5 Fun Activities To Try As A Group

After graduating from high school or college, it seems like time whizzes by, and before a person realizes it, 10 years have flown by, and it is time for another class reunion. Class reunions can be intimidating sometimes, feeling as if classmates have to compete to see whose life is the most successful. However, class reunions can be fun for everyone, especially if careful time is taken to plan just the right activities for the group. This article will deal with five activities that classmates can do as a group to make the class reunion more exciting.

1. A Look at Five Fun Activities for a Class Reunion

Depending on where a class reunion committee plans a get-together, there are many innovative Things To Do With A Group. For example, in a city like Las Vegas, Nevada, the possibilities are overwhelming for what a class reunion group could do. One of the many things that a class reunion committee could offer for its group is a cocktail party in an informal setting, especially if the reunion is going to last a couple of days. This will be good for those who have traveled from afar and just want to have a relaxing, informal evening.

2. More of the Fun Activities for a Class Reunion

Another activity that can be done on the first evening of a class reunion is to have icebreakers pertaining to the class. For example, each attendee could be asked to pick up a face-down name tag as they enter the building, with the evening task of finding the classmate to whom the name tag belongs. A game of Jeopardy could be played where the divided teams have to answer questions, such as a brilliant math teacher who was also a songwriter. Icebreakers are a fun way to jog the memories from the past.

3. Activities for the Final Day of the Class Reunion

Whoever is heading up the class reunion committee could get photos of each classmate from the past and a photo of them currently. They could also ask their classmates to post pictures of their families. This is a great way to see what classmates have done with their lives. A formal or semi-formal dinner could be the concluding event on the final day of the classroom. Attending the school football game as a graduating class is also a great idea.

4. Final Thoughts About Class Reunion Activities

Other things to do include a friendly game of softball, going bowling together, or speeches from teachers or professors from the time that the classmates attended the school or university. It is a nice idea to have a DJ playing songs from the era of the classmates, and even providing karaoke for the evening would be fun. The committee should have gifts and prizes that can be given out or won throughout the entire event.

5. Wrapping Up the Class Reunion

It is always good to commemorate the event with class photos, photos of the spouses of the classmates (if any), and gift bags for everyone with mementos from the era. It is an opportunity for classmates to exchange cell phone numbers, email addresses, and social media pages. If the class reunion takes place in a city like Las Vegas, there is always the opportunity for the class to go to at least one casino and try their luck on the wheel or the slot machines.

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