
Hydro Jetting Vs Snaking: Pros And Cons Explained

Every homeowner will eventually experience a drain clog at some point or another. These blockages may be caused by hair, food particles, toilet paper, soap residue, or other forms of debris that accumulate over time and lead to drain clogging.

For serious clogs, you. should contact a professional plumber. If you live in Manassas, VA, and need help with your plumbing system, you can count on the talented team at Clover Services.

1. Cost

Hydro jetting differs from drain snakes available at hardware stores by employing high-pressure water to clear your pipes. 

Once a plumber conducts an initial camera inspection to ensure all pipes are intact, hydro jetting utilizes pressurized water that breaks apart any blockages, debris or roots blocking your drain and inserts a special nozzle hose inserted into it allowing pressurized water to break them apart and remove them quickly and effectively.

Hydro jetting offers many advantages over other methods of pipe repair, including no damage or chemicals involved. However, its strong water pressure may present challenges in older plumbing systems where cracking or breaking can occur more readily due to age and wear and tear. 

Furthermore, hydro jetting can be more expensive compared with alternative techniques.

2. Safety

Professional plumbers will always conduct a video inspection of your pipes before using high-pressure water jets for hydro jetting to assess whether your old and delicate pipes could sustain damage from hydro jetting. 

This allows them to determine whether there may be potential threats associated with the hydro jetting process such as pipe age and fragility issues that could impede its efficacy or need repair from the hydro jetting process.

Depending upon the nature of the clog, hydro jetting may be more suitable than snaking as an effective means of cleaning pipe systems. While snaking only digs a hole through which dirt can enter, hydro jetting removes all types of obstructions in sewer and drain lines with ease.

Hydro jetting is an efficient and reliable method for avoiding future clogs to remove grease, grime, and other forms of build-up that clog your pipes and slow waste flow. By regularly performing this procedure, your pipes will stay functioning optimally while any stubborn clogs can be treated accordingly – although it may require repeated treatments for successful results.

3. Efficiency

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Hydro-jetting machines use multiple nozzles to release streams of pressurized water that dislodge and flush away blockages, particularly those which cannot be cleared with conventional means like plungers. While hydro-jetting can be effective against even stubborn blockages that a plunger cannot clear away, experts should use this method due to the large volume of water, which could potentially damage pipes if not applied appropriately.

Hydro jetting is the ideal method of clearing away materials such as grease, soap scum, and mineral deposits from within your drain lines. Furthermore, hydro jetting can clear large sewer clogs quickly to restore full drain flow in your home.

On the other hand, snaking can be an excellent method for clearing away small to medium-sized clogs in homes with older pipes that may be susceptible to damage from harsh chemicals. Furthermore, it can help remove small root infiltrations with less disruption than rodding would do.

4. Time

Plumbers use plumbing snakes to remove blockages that have developed over time – typically composed of hair, grime, and other residues that have been collected in drains or pipes.

Snaking often leaves behind remnants of material in your pipes that cause them to clog again quickly, thus leading to potential health risks for yourself and other users.

Hydro jetting is an effective solution for clearing away material build-up in pipes. Before employing this method, a plumber will first use video inspection to locate and assess where your clog lies. Before going ahead with hydro jetting, your home’s pipes must be strong enough to withstand such intense water pressure; otherwise, it could result in more costly repairs and replacements later. 

For best results, it’s always wise to consult a professional prior to selecting an option for your pipes.

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