
Your Guide To Beautiful Skin: Top 4 Clear Skin Hacks

Are you frustrated with skin that isn’t as clear as you want it to be? You’re not alone. Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, so many people are looking for more solutions for acne-free skin. 

If you’re already using all of the creams and face washes that you can find but you keep finding blemishes, you might want to add a few bonus hacks to your beauty routine. 

We’re here to help. Keep reading for our top clear skin hacks so you can get a fresh face and glowing skin.

1. Change Your Pillowcase

This is one of the biggest problems when it comes to getting rid of stubborn blemishes. How often do you change your pillowcase?

While many people wash their pillowcases every time they wash their sheets, this isn’t always enough. If you wash your sheets every other week, you’re still allowing oil from your hair and skin to build on the pillows. 

If you don’t want to clean them every other day or so, make sure that you cycle the pillows that you spend time sleeping on and flip them every night. 

2. Clean Your Phone

Have you considered how dirty your phone is? Our phones carry germs from everything that we touch.

Every time you take out the trash, wash the dishes, or touch things outside, whatever clings onto your hands will make it to your phone. Then, when you put your phone next to your face for a phonecall, the germs go onto your skin. 

Wipe down your phone at least once per day with an antibacterial wipe.

3. Use Gentle Exfoliators

Exfoliators are great for problematic skin. When you exfoliate, you’re getting rid of the top layer of skin and encouraging new and healthy skin to take its place. 

Make sure that you aren’t using an exfoliator that can damage your skin.

Chemical exfoliators are better than physical exfoliators. If you’re still new to skincare and you aren’t comfortable with chemical exfoliators, use something like a soft brush or silicone exfoliating pad instead of any product with microbead or other granules. 

4. Don’t Forget to Moisturize

Many people who struggle with acne don’t want to moisturize. They’re afraid that moisturizers will make their skin more oily. 

This isn’t true. Moisturizer can give you glowing skin without causing more breakouts. When you allow your skin to dry out it may feel less oily for the moment, but it will overcompensate with more oil later. This will cause more acne.

Treat your skin to a lightweight moisturizer, even during breakouts. 

Which of These Clear Skin Hacks Is Your Favorite? 

Add these clear skin hacks to your beauty routine and see how fast you notice the difference. While these things alone won’t get rid of stubborn acne completely, they’re great additions to any skincare routine

Keep your face fresh, clean, and hydrated, and you’ll be well on your way to acne-free skin.

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