
15 Games that Can Improve Your Brain Function

Keeping your brain sharp and functioning optimally is necessary for tackling life’s challenges. Luckily, some fun and engaging games are out there to help accomplish this! 

From word puzzles to match games, here are fifteen great games that can boost your brain function and help you increase your cognition and logical problem-solving skills. 

So if you’re looking for a way to keep your mind in top shape, why not try one of these games today?

1. Chess

Chess is a classic strategy game that tests your logic and critical thinking skills. It involves two players using pieces on a board to capture an opponent’s pieces or their king. 

The game requires forward-thinking, strategic planning, and problem-solving abilities. Each move must be planned accordingly for the player to gain an advantage over the other. Chess is popular with both amateur and professional players, as it can create exciting matches that require skill to win.

2. Sudoku

Sudoku is one of the classic brain-boosting games that has gained immense popularity since its inception. This popular logic-based number game aims to fill in a 9×9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9, making sure that each row, column, and 3×3 box contains each of the numbers once without any duplicates or conflicts. 

Solving a sudoku puzzle not only tests your problem-solving skills and improves your concentration levels but has also been proven to increase brain function as you search for patterns and guess how each number could affect the overall puzzle.

3. Crosswords

Games that involve words can provide an excellent opportunity for improving your vocabulary, memory skills, and verbal fluency. Crosswords are an ideal example of this type of game, as they require you to remember definitions and hunt for the right word or phrase. 

Word searches also provide a fun and stimulating approach to expanding your vocabulary as you search for hidden words amongst larger groups of letters. Both crosswords and word searches are great for challenging your brain and making it more active. So why not try them today and see what benefits they can bring?

4. 2048 Cupcakes

2048 Cupcakes is an enjoyable matching puzzle game that tests your brain speed and memory recall. The 2048 cupcakes game aims to join identical cupcakes until you create one single cupcake worth 2048 points. With each merge of two identical cupcakes, their value doubles, and achieving higher scores becomes increasingly difficult as the game progresses. 

This exciting game not only challenges your mental capabilities but also requires you to strategize ahead of every move to progress further. 

5. Backgammon

Backgammon is an enduring and classic board game that dates back thousands of years, still enjoyed by many worldwide. This two-player game offers an excellent challenge for your strategic abilities, helping to build mental fortitude. 

With each move, you’ll be required to think critically and plan your strategy to outplay your opponent. Backgammon is a fun game to play and can also help strengthen problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, and creativity.

6. Scrabble

Scrabble is a timeless board game that encourages you to build words from a collection of letters and score points for each word. This game provides a competitive yet fun way to boost your vocabulary and language knowledge. 

Playing Scrabble regularly can also help sharpen strategic thinking skills, as you must carefully plan ahead for the best possible word combinations.

7. Memory Games

Memory games can be a great way to sharpen your focus and increase memory recall. Games like Concentration and Simon challenge you to remember patterns and recall images, colors, or sounds, all of which can help improve your memory skills

Not only that but playing these types of games can also stimulate other areas of the brain, making them an ideal pastime for those looking to stay sharp. 

8. Word Puzzles

Word puzzles, like crosswords, anagrams, and jumbles, can be great for sharpening your processing and storage of new information. These types of games also stimulate divergent thinking and provide valuable problem-solving tools. 

Playing word or problem-solving games regularly is an excellent way to keep your mind sharp, improve your focus and learn faster, and reduce the risk of developing mental health issues due to boredom or inactivity. 

9. Mahjong

Mahjong is an ancient Chinese game of strategy that can help you think quickly and develop problem-solving skills. Like chess, playing Mahjong can boost cognitive development, enhance logical reasoning, and sharpen critical thinking skills. 

What’s great about Mahjong is that you can play it either online or in small groups, making it an ideal way to get mental stimulation without leaving the comfort of your home. 

10. Bridge

The bridge is a card game that boosts concentration, focus, and communication skills. It involves two teams two competing against each other to take as many tricks as necessary to fulfill the team’s bid in order to score points. 

This strategic game will challenge your problem-solving abilities and help you practice strategy and planning while honing your memory. Playing Bridge also teaches you to work better with others, improving collaboration skills. 

11. Trivia Games

Trivia games are a great way to increase knowledge and sharpen your mind. You can play with friends or strangers online and learn about interesting topics while testing your cognitive abilities in a fun and stimulating way. 

These types of games can also help you improve memory recall and overall memory skills and allow you to compete with others for an added layer of challenge. 

12. Card Games

Card games can be an enjoyable and educational way to stimulate your brain. With so many classic card games out there, like Uno, Gin Rummy, Solitaire, and Bridge, you can practice strategic thinking and improve reasoning skills, as well as quick thinking and memory recall. 

Not only will these give you plenty of entertainment, but they can also help to level up your mental acuity too! You can even join online competitions for more competitive action!

13. Mancala

Mancala is an ancient game with a long and rich history. It requires you to place your stones either in a line or on a board, aiming to capture and place more stones than your opponent. 

Not only is it great for developing problem-solving skills, strategy-making ability, and strategic thinking, but playing against someone can also be used to practice counting, math, and cognitive skills! 

14. Logic Puzzles

Logic puzzles are an interesting way to exercise the brain and hone problem-solving skills. They require players to use deductive reasoning and critical thinking to solve complex problems or scenarios. 

Typically, these puzzles involve finding missing elements between two sets, forming an orderly sequence using given pieces, and eliminating incorrect answers through logical deduction. Logic puzzles can also help build a person’s vocabulary as they attempt to decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words used in the puzzle.

Regardless of the type of logic puzzle being solved, all require problem-solving abilities from their participants to make sense of a given task and find the correct solution. In addition to honing analytical skills for adolescents and adults alike, solving logical puzzles can also improve cognitive functions such as working memory and concentration span when done regularly.

15. Go

Go is an ancient board game considered one of the oldest and most popular in the world. It originated in China over 2,500 years ago and has been passed down through generations for centuries. 

The game is based on two players taking turns placing black and white stones on a 19×19 grid-like board, attempting to surround territory with their pieces while simultaneously attacking their opponent’s pieces. The player with the most territory at the end of the game wins.

Go involves strategic thinking, as players must be able to calculate multiple moves at once and think several steps ahead. The goal of each move is to gain an advantage over your opponent’s position so that you can eventually win the game by having more territory than them at the end. 

Playing Go may even improve cognitive functions such as working memory, which allows us to remember tasks longer and think more strategically in everyday life.


Games can be a great way to challenge and keep your mind in top shape. Playing online games can help your mental health and boost your productivity.

So if you’re looking for an enjoyable and stimulating way to exercise your mind, give one or two of these excellent games a try today! With enough practice, you might even become an expert!

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