Car accidents are one of the most common reasons which cause an increase in mortality rate, on a usual basis, two million drivers experience an immutable injury every year. More than eight thousand civilians are killed in car accidents involving drivers aged sixteen to twenty. The most frequent cause of accidents resulting in death includes drunk driving (forty percent), speeding (thirty percent), and irresponsible driving (thirty-three percent).
Although the injuries caused by car crashes are very severe and there is no way for you to control the other drivers on the road but you can still follow some safety measures to avoid car accidents. Some of these safety measures may seem very obvious but they can cause a lot of difference in the long run, they can even end up saving your life and help you to avoid car accidents.
Here is a list of ten safety measures that you can follow to avoid car accidents and even save your life.
1.) Always Make Sure That You are Aware of Truck Drivers and Their Blind Spots
Truck drivers have a huge blind spot on their right side and it is the most dangerous one as well, so it is very important to take caution when driving next to an eighteen-wheeler. Just remember if you can’t see trucks side mirrors, the truck driver can’t see you.
2.) Always Make Sure to Keep Your Calm and Be Patient at all Times
While driving you can never be too careful, three of the most important and useful traits of a professional and experienced driver is that he stops, observes the surrounding and then takes the action. You should always be aware of your blind spots. Also, when entering an intersection look at both ends at least twice and then proceed. Vehicles can appear out of nowhere in these busy intersections so it is very mandatory to take caution.
3.) Always Keep One Hand on The Steering Wheel
It is very important for you to reduce the number of in-car distractions such as eating, changing the radio station, using your cell phone, or even taking care of a child in the back seat, all of these distractions will cause you to take your hands off the steering wheel, which can end up in an intense accident.
4.) Always Make Sure to Perform Engine Maintenance Regularly
To avoid sudden failures or sudden stalls make sure to tune your engine regularly. Like changing the engine oil regularly, charging the car battery on time or keeping tires fully inflated. These small measures can help your vehicle keep on running smoothly and avoid car crashes.
5.) Always Look Backward Before Backing Out
Although most of the cars have a camera installed at their rear end which helps to look around while backing out. But you should never depend on these cameras, physically look over your shoulder while backing out so you can eliminate any blind spots.
6.) Always Make sure to keep an Eye Out for Kids and Pets
While driving through a residential neighborhood make sure to look out for children and animals. You may end up hitting someone running or playing on the street. So, make sure to be extra cautious.
7.) Always Make Sure You Are Polite to Other Drivers on the Road
One of the main causes of car accidents can be furious car drivers. It is very easy to heat up on someone for even slightest of mistakes, but a good driver knows how to keep calm and handle everything professionally. So, make sure to treat everyone on the road with some respect and if someone is not following the rules or is causing danger for other people on the road, make sure to report them to the authorities.
8.) Always be on The Look Out for Red Light Runners
Even when the light turns green on an intersection do not start driving right away, make sure to wait for at least five seconds. There are always some people who are trying to get through even when at a yellow light. Make sure to exercise immense caution while passing a semi.
9.) Always Make Sure You Never Ever End Up Tailgating Anyone
Now, this is one of the most common and severe causes of accidents in the country. Tailgating can be very dangerous for everyone on the road. Always make sure to keep a five-second gap between yourself and the car in front of you.
10.) Always Make Sure to Plan the Road Ahead Of Time
Make sure to keep your focus on the area you will be driving to. Always keep yourself positioned far away from other cars so if someone stops suddenly you can easily avoid them.
Here are some other tips to avoid car accidents:
As there are many different things which can cause car accidents, just like that they can lead to different types of injuries as well. Some of these injuries include “Broken Ribs” Ribs are the most fragile parts of your body they can be broken even with the slightest impact, random car injuries this is the most familiar name for muscle, ligament and tendon injuries that might happen in a car accident and “Scrapes and cuts” You may get scrapes and cuts as a result of a car accident. Like from the impact of your vehicle or the other vehicle, or you might get hit by loose projectiles in the vehicle like your phone. In any of these cases you should definitely visit a car accident doctor immediately.
Probably one of the most important and most underrated advice that can help you avoid car accidents is to slow down while driving, by keeping your speed low increases your time to observe your surrounding and react accordingly in a dangerous situation.
These injuries can be easily avoided by taking a few safety measures that are so easy to follow but still, people fail to follow these simple rules which can save their life. In recent years technological advancements and innovations have reduced the number of accidents to some extent but still, car crashes occur frequently. They are usually because of the careless driving, delusional attitude of the drivers and lack of patience. Please make sure to drive carefully and keep yourself, your loved ones and every single person around you safe.
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