When you finance your car, there are many factors that lenders look at. Like a mortgage or home purchase, you should look for auto loans with manageable interest rates and ensure they don’t throw in any hidden fees along the way. Check out the factors lenders consider when setting interest rates on your auto loan.
1. Debt-to-Credit Ratio
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The debt-to-income ratio measures how much a borrower pays on all other debt, such as credit cards and student loans, compared to the income they receive. The higher the ratio, the more likely you will have trouble paying back your loan.
The key is ensuring your financial situation doesn’t put you into this category. If you have several high-interest loans already, don’t take on more until you have paid off the old ones. If you’re in debt already, it’s best to get help from a financial counselor who can help you create a budget that works for you.
2. Amount Borrowed and Down Payment
The amount of your down payment will determine whether you qualify for car loan Calgary with a lower interest rate. The more money you put down, the lower your interest rate will be.
If you have less than 10% of the purchase price financed with cash or a cash equivalent, lenders may consider that you don’t have enough equity in your vehicle. In this case, they may charge a higher interest rate to compensate for the risk they are taking by lending money to someone they know may not be able to make payments on their loan.
3. Age of the Vehicle
Generally, older, more expensive vehicles are more likely to have higher insurance and repair costs, so lenders will charge a higher interest rate on these loans.
The vehicle’s age can be determined by looking at the odometer reading or checking with a local garage if you know how much your car has been driven in the last year or two. If you’re unsure how old your car is, many lenders will ask for proof of ownership and registration when you want to buy or refinance a loan.
4. Loan Term
The more you can afford to pay, the more interest you will save in the long run by paying off your loan earlier. Most lenders also offer a lower interest rate on shorter-term loans than longer-term ones.
If you are planning on buying a new car soon, consider financing options that allow you to pay off your new car in full each month. This will lower the total amount owed compared with those who buy a new car and then finance it over several years.
5. Credit Score
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The higher your credit score, the more likely you will get approved for an auto loan with a low-interest rate. Your credit score is based on information lenders report to the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). They use this information to determine what kind of risk you represent for them as a borrower.
Your credit score also determines how much money lenders can recover if you default on payments or fail to make them on time. But this isn’t the end of the road if you don’t get loan approval due to a low credit rating. Visit bad credit car dealers for help with auto financing.
The above factors determine your interest rate when you take a car loan. If you plan to apply for an auto loan, make proper adjustments to ensure you get a car loan at the lower interest rate possible.
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