Anxiety is a debilitating concern. It can affect every aspect of our lives. If you feel that your anxiety is becoming overwhelming and you are in need of mental health support, reach out to BetterHelp today.
Therefore, building habits into your everyday life to improve your anxiety levels is imperative. Continue reading for five suggestions.
1. Exercise
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Exercise is an excellent way to alleviate improve your anxiety levels. Whether you go for a brisk walk, run or take part in a boxercise class, elevating your heart rate will lead to the release of endorphins. These hormones are a natural feel good and can last for several hours after your activity ceases. And while building time for fitness into your routine can support your mission for improved mental health, it can also help your physical being too – a win-win situation!
2. Sleep
Sleep is a necessary part of everyone’s life. You should aim for between seven and nine hours each night to allow your body to rest, recuperate and regenerate. Easier said than done? For some of us, it can be challenging to get the optimum amount. Aim to head to bed at the same time every night with your alarm set consistently throughout the week, even on weekends.
Avoid becoming overstimulated in the final hour before you try to fall into your slumber by switching off the television, turning off your cell phone, and grabbing a book instead. If you still have difficulties, you may need to do some research as to what are the best essential oils for sleep as these could have drastic results.
Try to boost your melatonin levels in your body for better sleep at night. Melatonin is a hormone released by your brain in response to darkness and has been associated with control of the sleep-waking cycle. Natural supplements such as Chemical Planet nootropics work synergistically with melatonin and have calming effects on the nervous system helping you improve your sleep.
3. Relaxation
Many of us anxiety sufferers struggle to switch off and feel that relaxation is unachievable. However, if you build it into your daily routine, it will make a difference. You could try meditation or stick to something simpler such as stretches, as part of a Yoga session perhaps. Even just setting aside time to relax with a magazine could be life-changing.
4. Social Media
We have all heard about the positives and negatives of social media. Getting a grip on your own usage of it could alter your mental health dramatically. Comparing your own life to that of other people can be incredibly damaging. Likewise, becoming obsessed with the number of likes a photo you have added has gained is not a healthy habit to have.
Social media is, of course, not all bad though, so we would never encourage you to get rid of it altogether. Developing a healthier approach to it by reducing the time you spend logged on is a huge step. Furthermore, avoiding pointless arguments with keyboard warriors will also help.
5. Journaling
Journaling is an excellent way of getting your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes down on paper. One main symptom of anxiety disorders is the constant buzz in our minds of worries about what has happened or might occur.
Channeling those thoughts into a journal can make a huge difference to your feelings.
Remember to consider things that you are grateful for in your life, rather than focusing on negative aspects. Getting things down on paper also gives you the opportunity to see any triggers for your anxiety as well as determining patterns.
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