Writing reports is one of the most common types of papers people write. Since a report accounts for a specific topic, many students and employees write them. But what is the correct way to write a report?
You could try to freestyle it, but you might miss some key points and deliver a paper that doesn’t reach the best standards. Some people get freelancers, assignment help online, or subordinates to write reports for them to avoid that.
Nonetheless, knowing how to write an account on your own without anyone’s help is crucial. So, here is a guide to writing an excellent report.
1. Understand the purpose of a report
Table of Contents
As previously mentioned, you’re accounting for something specific when you write a report.
So, you might start to describe a situation or event in depth while stating the consequences and effects. You might include evidence such as statistics and analytics.
Additionally, depending on the case, you might add your personal opinions, predictions, recommendations, and interpretations.
2. Choose your report type
Not all reports are the same. The report might vary depending on the following:
- Who you’re writing it for? If you’re writing it for your boss or teacher, or it’s something that will become archived, the report might change.
- Why you’re writing it
- The tone you wish to have (informal or formal)
- The subject
- The field of expertise (scientific or not)
- The circumstances (high school, college, work)
Moreover, if you share the report with people in a similar position, you’ll have a lateral report.
Meanwhile, if you’ll share it with people below you or above you, it’s called a vertical report.
3. Start with the concept
Before you start writing the report, you might want to clear your mind. Try to understand the objective and ask yourself, “Who is this for, and with what purpose?”
It’s extremely easy to be disorganized and create something that’s a chaotic mixture of information.
So, before you start to write, keep in mind a few elements such as:
- The readers
- The purpose of the paper
- The tone
- The core of the matter
- The details
- Other requirements that you might need
4. Do your research
Another crucial step before starting your report is research. More often than not, your reports have to include data, facts, and other evidence. Therefore, a preliminary research session is a must.
When you research and gather all the information your wish to include, collect things on a Word document or paper. Later you’ll organize and give structure to your research.
Here are a few examples of evidence and data:
- Infographics
- Analytics
- Quotations
- Snippets of another document or a complete attachment
- Pictures
- Videos
- Graphs
- Equations
- Other people’s testimonials/opinions
Based on your circumstances, you might add more or fewer data. For instance, quotations and little snippets are a great addition to your report if you’re writing a book report.
On the other hand, if you’re writing a report about the sales for the past year, you might want to add calculations, graphs, and additional analytic information.
Another example is if you’re conducting an investigation and writing a report. Here you can add videos, photos, and people’s statements.
5. Start writing the introduction
Here is the part where you present the matter and prepare the reader for the body of the subject.
If you have a thesis, this is the place where you can define it better and create a bridge for the body.
6. Continue with the body
The body is the most prominent part of your text because here is where you start creating a path toward the thesis or the center of the topic.
So, add all the research material to the body.
7. End with a nice conclusion
In conclusion, the body dissolves, and its problems are too. Here is where you can add your personal input after the solution to the problem.
8. Work on your summary
This abstract goes before the introduction to summarise the entire report. You can write it before, but it’s easier to write once the report is done because you have a more organized view of the paper.
Moreover, it may seem like this is a simple part, but it can be challenging to summarize an entire paper in just a few phrases.
9. Edit your paper
Once you’re done with your text, it’s time to refine it. You’ll need an app to check your grammar, tone, and style mistakes. Also, you might check it for plagiarism.
Try to get some help from a friend or a coworker because you might be immune to your own mistakes. Then, you’re ready to submit it.
Last thoughts
When writing a report, try to understand its purpose and target. Is it your boss or teacher going to read it? Moreover, check the data you have to include in your text by doing your research.
Next, write down the introduction, body, conclusion, and abstract. Last but not least, edit it with the help of others and professional apps.
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