Losing business as a result of this unprecedented crisis is a frustrating and scary predicament. It’s important to remember that this is a temporary situation and it doesn’t have to ring the death knell for your business. Whether you are changing the way you operate during this period or have had to provisionally halt your production
Here are five strategies to help your business make a comeback after COVID-19:
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1. Working from a local, temporary office
If you are experiencing setbacks, need to temporarily downsize, or want to limit your commuting to avoid the congestion of the CBD, then you may want to consider moving your business into a serviced office. From unlimited internet to secretarial support, these private offices are fully furnished and ready to move into, whether it’s a short-term or long-term solution. You can also choose your location so that your business can be based near or further from the CBD, depending on your preferences and needs.
2. Keep Your Clients Informed and Updated Regularly
Transparency is an essential strategy for customer attraction and retention. In this time of uncertainty, let your customers know that your commitment to them and your business motivations remain unchanged. Newsletters, social media posts, and business signage are all great ways to share this message. In your communications, make sure you highlight all the changes your business is undertaking in relation to COVID-19. Being honest is the best way to build up your reputation as a trustworthy enterprise.
3. Adapt and Move Your Business Online
Although a decline in numbers is expected, remaining productive will make it easier for your business to bounce back when restrictions are lifted. For many, this will mean moving to online, mobile, and remote operations. If you don’t already have some kind of digital presence for your business, now is the time to create a website or social media page, so you can let your customers know that you’re still offering your products or services via delivery, pickup, over the phone, or in a remote manner.
4. Offer A Branded Care Package
You’ve probably seen a variation of ‘the lockdown hamper’ by now. It includes things like groceries, coffee, some kind of treat, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and the like. While it may seem a little cliche, creating a customized care package sends a strong message to your customers and can boost sales at a time when many industries are experiencing severe declines. Make sure to keep your hamper on-brand and topical by including corporate gifts like branded hand sanitizer and other useful, topical items. If these gifts provide value or relief to your customers, they will remember the gesture.
5. Offer Credit Or Coupons For Later Use
Unfortunately, many businesses won’t be able to operate at all during the pandemic. The outlook is particularly harsh for industries like travel, entertainment, arts, events, tourism, and hospitality. If this is your field of expertise, there is no shame in opening up to customers about how serious the impact is, or in asking for support. Depending on your business model and client relationships, you can provide customers with the opportunity to make a one-off donation or provide sponsorship. Alternatively, you can offer flexible credit, gift cards, or coupons to be used at a later date.
We are living through challenging times, but by keeping an open mind and trying out a few of the above strategies, you can give your business the boost it needs to come back stronger on the other side!
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