While nearly everybody hates going to school, it’s noteworthy to admit that formal education is necessary, nevertheless. The modern world has progressed enough for people to learn by themselves, but education still remains the only director for knowledge and our learning.
While there are lots of people that might try to convince you that you don’t need the education to become successful, the majority of the arguments they provide are myths and, sometimes, just a total B.S. Let’s take a closer look at those myths to debunk the most common pieces of misinformation given to students about modern education.
Providing More than Just Knowledge
Table of Contents
- Providing More than Just Knowledge
- 7 BS Facts About Education That Aren’t True
- 1. Schools don’t matter.
- 2. Private and expensive schools provide better education.
- 3. Skills are more important than knowledge.
- 4. People read much less nowadays.
- 5. Teachers are not necessary.
- 6. Written and creative tasks cannot be objectively evaluated.
- 7. Improvements in technology mean improvements in learning and education.
- Say ‘Yes’ to Education
With the power of modern computers and the internet, nearly all knowledge that can be provided in schools can be found and learned by any person at any given time. So, to state that schools are required only to give people knowledge is not entirely correct. Schools rather serve as filters in this regard.
An average teacher working at such a school is like the most reliable essay writing service that searches for the true or, at least, credible information and checks it before providing it to students. When it comes to knowledge, schools should not be underestimated, although, indeed, their task is not only to give students knowledge.
Another important function of schools in modern society is to allow young people to interact with each other, thus, becoming complete citizens of their society. Yet, at the same time, this socialization often creates instances of bullying and other forms of aggression, seriously harming the youth. While many schools around the world do their best to prevent that, the struggle is still very far from being finished.
7 BS Facts About Education That Aren’t True
Socialization is also not the primary task of the school. Again, schools play a rather directional role here. And that’s exactly the point. While schools don’t play exactly an executive role, they help people to become themselves and gain all the required life experiences on their own. So, considering that, what are some of the most common myths about school there are, and why are they incorrect?
1. Schools don’t matter.
Some successful people might say that formal education is not necessary. More particularly, some say that while primary, secondary, and high schools are necessary, higher education is not needed to achieve success. That’s kind of true… for some people. And those people are very few. For the majority of cases, however, becoming successful without a degree might be overwhelmingly hard.
2. Private and expensive schools provide better education.
The quality of education depends on lots of factors; however, the status and tuition fee are not some of them. Only the school’s approach to providing knowledge, hiring teachers, and handling discipline matters.
3. Skills are more important than knowledge.
While they are important indeed, they are inseparable from knowledge. Just think about it, in order to speak, you must know the vocabulary, right? Only by acquiring certain knowledge and applying it in real situations, we can acquire new skills.
4. People read much less nowadays.
While lots of reports that people read less today than they did decades ago exist, many of them tend to take only one kind of reading material into consideration. For example, only printed books or only fiction books. Yet, with modern technology and the availability of written information, people read more than ever and obtain more knowledge than any previous generation, especially in today’s world.
5. Teachers are not necessary.
While previously it was stated that we can find as much knowledge as we need today, we still need someone to tell us if we’re right. And that’s what teachers are for. At the same time, they also protect you from misinformation as well.
6. Written and creative tasks cannot be objectively evaluated.
While creativity is a personal factor for every person indeed, in the school environment, it has been approximately standardized. If you look at the reviews at Lets Grade It, you’ll see that students evaluate the work of academic writers using certain criteria. While they cannot be individual to everyone and, thus, provide a precise evaluation result, they help a lot in telling whether you’re on the right track.
7. Improvements in technology mean improvements in learning and education.
Modern tech does help us learn faster and better, yet it’s not a panacea at all. It’s important to know how to apply technology to achieve the best results. The approach of schools and teachers to technology and educating students about it also weighs a lot.
Say ‘Yes’ to Education
Going to school might be boring. It might seem unnecessary. Yet, it helps people a lot. The combination of the main functions of the school institute creates synergy and serves as the main advantage of earning education before not earning it.
All education, from primary school to high education degrees, is important. It not only provides us with the knowledge or directs us through it. Education allows us to select the right direction in our lives by ourselves and help us become more complete citizens of the modern world.
Author Bio: After Michael discovered the process of learning, he never stopped pursuing it. With his enthusiasm for learning new things, he goes to great lengths to discover all the exciting things every day. As he travels around the world and accumulates some of the best experiences, Michael gladly shares them with anyone just as interested in learning as himself.
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