When people are worried about whether planes will fly to their favorite vacation spot and whether the hotel will remain open, there are not many articles about whether the universities will open in the fall. And that’s a pity because, in many countries, education is an important local business and depends on foreign students.
The students of Oxford University, for example, paid the cumulative $555 million in 2019/20. In total, international students provided one-fifth of the income of 48 British universities. If these students are not due to the coronavirus, some universities will have to close.
Perspective Of Learning
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The U.S. educational institutions do not leave the leading positions in world rankings over the years. One of the most important reasons is the language of instruction. Office work in almost all countries of the world, negotiations and business correspondence is conducted in English, mastering it is necessary for a successful career. Studying in the USA is not only a prestigious diploma but also advantages
- career prospects and high salaries in international companies;
- gaining valuable life experience in an English-speaking environment, which is also very important for foreign students;
- friendly useful business relations with foreigners;
- gaining rich practical experience;
- obtaining fundamental knowledge in the chosen specialty.
Considering The Admission
Applying to a U.S. university is a difficult task because you need to know not only all the entrance requirements but also to properly prepare the documents and submit them in time to the admissions committee of the American university. Here are some guidelines.
1. Choose a university using directories and the Internet.
By choosing more universities, you will increase your chances of receiving financial support. Consider the following criteria:
- availability of a curriculum at the appropriate level (undergraduate/ graduate/doctoral);
- the level of prestige of the university;
- tuition fees and availability of financial support for students;
- the total number of students at the university;
- the geographical location (state, countryside, or city).
2. Contact the university
Send a letter to the university asking us to send your application forms and more detailed information about the programs and the availability of financial aid for students. In the letter, very briefly state information about yourself, including what education you have already received, what experience you have, and what major you would like to study in the United States.
3. Register for the tests and start preparing.
At this stage, the work falls entirely on us. Take the tests. You can study motivation for students: tips and tricks on how to do that. Remember that you can get the results no earlier than 6-8 weeks after the date of the tests.
4. Make a decision & send documents
Based on the answers received from the universities, you must decide to which universities you will send the full package of documents. You have the right to send your documents to an unlimited number of universities. Do this in advance to meet the application deadline.
Prepare a complete package of documents:
- accurately filled out the application form and financial aid form;
- personal statement and other works required by individual universities. You can totally use research paper writing help for the statement. Don’t forget to keep the sensitive information about you confidential;
- transcript, with information about estimates;
- confirmation of payment for consideration of documents. If you are unable to do so, attach a letter explaining your financial capabilities and requesting that your application be considered without a fee.
5. Final preparations
If you get several positive answers, choose one university and reject the suggestions of others immediately. As a rule, the condition for obtaining a visa is the presence of a form sent by the educational institution after the decision on your enrollment. If you need a visa, contact the curator of work with foreign students at the school.
How Will It Be In The Future?
Society’s unpreparedness for the challenges posed by the coronavirus has shown that doctors and researchers will be needed in the future. After all, they must cope with the current disease, and be able to anticipate and prepare for the next. These faculties are already experiencing a boom, as their graduates are guaranteed to find work.
What is happening now is not a crisis in health care or the economy, but a humanitarian crisis. In society, the costs of the humanities, which did not generate much income, have been declining in recent decades, and there is already a sharp conflict between personal interests and the public good. As a result, society pays dearly for ignorance.
The moral authorities of society do not come from the world of business and high technology, but from the world of philosophers, social thinkers, and writers. But whatever field you choose, you will need our guide to student life.
Author Bio: Michael invests his personal interest in the subject of his articles for you to read them with excitement. He is a true seeker of quality guides for students as he’s fond of their lives and perspectives. Using all his energy and experience, Michael does the best to deliver the most relevant information directly to you.
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