By allocating 50 percent of your business’s revenue back toward your marketing budget, you can see your company by over 100 percent.
Companies that invest heavily in business advertising and digital marketing see growth rates exceed that of their competitors.
Here are five of the best tips to refresh your company’s marketing strategy and take it to the next level.
1. Invest in PPC Advertising
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A great way to refresh your marketing strategy is to try PPC advertising. PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. Very simply, you pay a search engine or platform only when someone clicks on your ad.
It can be one of the best forms of marketing as it ensures that you are not paying for “wasted” ads, that people see but never engage with.
2. Create Content that Can Stand the Test of Time
With so much content being created on a minute-by-minute basis, you want your content to stand out. Write, develop, or film content that is evergreen, meaning it doesn’t fade in importance after a few weeks or a few months.
You can do this by focusing on the pain points your customers face and creating content that addresses those challenges.
3. Write a Catchy Jingle
Many businesses attempt to write a catchy jingle, yet many never seem to be able to crack the code of making one that sticks. You need to do market research on what music your market likes, write catchy lyrics that relate to your product, and more. It can be tricky, but it can be done.
One of the better options is to simply hire professionals who know the ins and outs of how to write a jingle that customers won’t forget.
4. Engage Through Instagram Stories and Reels
Another great set of marketing tips is to engage with current customers and potential new ones through the power of Instagram. By consistently creating InstMarketing Strategyagram stories and Reels, you are putting your brand out there in front of a wider audience.
Cash in on viral trends by using popular songs as backdrops for your reels. Participate in the trends to reach more people and see growth happen before your eyes.
5. Do Email Newsletters
Develop a monthly or weekly email newsletter that lets your customers know what your business is up to, any new products or services you have coming out, and most importantly, valuable content meant for them.
Newsletters should never be only a sales tactic. You should always have helpful tips that don’t necessarily try to sell them on anything.
Learn More About How to Supercharge Your Marketing Strategy Today
In order to create your best marketing strategy, you need to be willing to try new things while also being patient if you do not see immediate growth. Good things take time.
Refreshing your marketing strategy with the advertising tips mentioned above won’t create immediate change overnight, but as long as you are consistent, you will see awesome growth.
Looking for more tips on how to improve your marketing strategy? Follow along for more articles on all the latest in marketing trends and insights.
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