In Business

Tools To Help You Be More Productive As A Freelancer

1.3K Views Published on March 5th, 2022 Be first to comment

More Productive As A Freelancer

The correct gear has an impact on both productivity and work quality. Just like every other office job, it’s usually simpler to get through each day if you have a pleasant and relaxing environment to work in. Because of the shifting nature of the industry, more people are considering freelancing as a practical source of income.

Freelancing is an excellent …

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by Alfred Allen


In Business

Reasons Why A Corporate Video Is Important To Promote Your Business

1.5K Views Published on March 5th, 2022 Be first to comment


The use of audiovisual content within a digital strategy can be of great help to promote a company. Some studies claim that up to 70% of Internet users prefer to watch video content over any other type of content, such as text.

For this reason, it is vitally important to have a corporate video that serves as a letter …

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by Alfred Allen


In Lifestyle

The Most Economical Family SUVs On The Market Today

1.2K Views Published on March 5th, 2022 Be first to comment

Most Economical Family SUVs

This year is shaping up to be a difficult one for families across the UK, as the economical impact of inflation, wage stagnation and rising energy costs represent a perfect storm for home budgets and the cost of living. New volatility in the fuel market has also made the cost of driving significantly more expensive – making the …

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by Alfred Allen


In Tech

How Legal Tech Allows For Better Service Delivery

792 Views Published on March 5th, 2022 Be first to comment

Legal Tech Allows For Better Service

The legal industry is at a crossroads. At the tail-end of a global pandemic, which has forced many industries to embrace new technologies in order to work effectively during restrictions and lockdown, law firms and legal departments face unprecedented backlogs and barriers to progress.

These, in turn, threaten their service delivery in the eyes of clients and …

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by Alfred Allen


In Health

4 Tips For Dealing With Urinary Incontinence

877 Views Published on March 3rd, 2022 Be first to comment

Dealing With Urinary Incontinence

25 to 45 percent of women will experience urinary incontinence throughout their lives.

It’s much more common than most people think, which can leave you feeling as if you’re going through this alone. 

Yet, this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re dealing with urinary incontinence, you’re one of many. In fact, you probably know many other women who are …

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by Alfred Allen


In Health

Having Performance Issues In Bed? Here’s What You Can Do

898 Views Published on March 3rd, 2022 Be first to comment

Having Performance Issues In Bed

Many men are closed-lipped when it comes to talking about problems in the bedroom. However, performance issues in the bedroom are more common than many men might think. There’s no reason to be shy about the problem because it impacts so many.

Instead of turning away from the issue, it can be well worth it to look into potential things …

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by Alfred Allen


In Tech

How To Choose The Right Neo4j Consulting Company?

714 Views Published on March 3rd, 2022 Be first to comment

Choose The Right Neo4j Consulting Company

Neo4j is an open-source graph database that allows you to store complex data relationships highly intuitively. It uses graphs as the foundation for everything, allowing for easy modeling of highly complex data across multiple domains.

The number of companies offering Neo4j consulting services is growing day by day. There are many expensive products in the enterprise software market, and all …

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by Alfred Allen


In Lifestyle

Understanding Homophobia: What Can You Do About It?

1.4K Views Published on March 2nd, 2022 Be first to comment

Understanding Homophobia

Even though more and more people start to realize the importance of diversity, the stigma that surrounds the LGBTQIA+ community hasn’t gone anywhere, and some stereotypes continue to influence the quality of life of millions of homosexual and non-binary people worldwide.

Homophobia remains a very common problem at cultural, individual, and even institutional levels. The perception of homosexuality in society …

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by Alfred Allen
