The use of audiovisual content within a digital strategy can be of great help to promote a company. Some studies claim that up to 70% of Internet users prefer to watch video content over any other type of content, such as text.
For this reason, it is vitally important to have a corporate video that serves as a letter of introduction of the company to its target audience. Statistics show that photography by Legacy Union and other professional’s video works get much attention from business. So it is very convenient to have a corporate video by a professional video maker
In addition, this type of presentation is essential for small business to publicize, for example, the facilities, the way of working, the products and services and the brand image, among many other values that differentiate each company. With the possibility of reaching the largest audience at your service, video is the answer for it.
Why a Video is Important to Promote Your Business
Table of Contents
1. Video is the most consumed format on the Internet
Information can be accessed on the Internet in multiple ways, from written to audio, passing through the visual image. But the numbers are clear currently. What is most consumed when browsing the Internet are videos.
It is said that with the hours of video that are uploaded and consumed on the Internet in a single day, several decades and probably more than a century could be formed. Imagine how this video marketing trends can affect your business. It has more chances of going viral than any other promotion.
2. It’s more than marketing
If you add an entertaining and pleasant corporate video on your website that makes the client lean towards your services over other options, you will stand out from the competition. In addition, it improves their perception and places your company as their favorite.
With the creation of corporate videos, you can generate useful content for your clients or users, and it will be available to them 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world. It is not just about transmitting a brand image but about making life easier for those who consume its products or services. Videos with tutorials or answers to frequently asked questions are a good way to create quality content.
Video marketing is also the ally of your competition. Did you know that a large part of small businesses had increased their conversion by 80% when they incorporated videos on their landing page?
3. Video helps SEO
A good video has a notable influence on improving the positioning of a company’s website on the Internet. It is a search engine marketing and SEO content and interesting creativity on a commercial level. Companies with a corporate video on their website are more pampered by Google to show them higher up in search results.
Video unleash your maximum SEO potential. You spend long hours optimizing your website and neglect one of the best positioning possibilities: video. Yahoo, Google and other search engines use audiovisual content as a call to “rank” a page in a given search result.
4. Increase conversion
A corporate video helps to increase the conversion rate. That is, it helps to convince web visitors to make decisions, such as registering, requesting information, subscribing to the newsletter, or purchasing products or services. Something fundamental for the growth of a company is the online channel.
In addition, the videos are consumed and shared massively through all kinds of digital channels (e-mail, social networks, instant messaging…), which makes it possible to reach a wider audience on a global level.
The big business giants like Apple and Amazon use video not as an accessory tool but as the key to increasing their revenue volume and the effectiveness of their campaigns.
5. Video helps build brand awareness
A corporate video can help a company gain brand awareness. The video makes the brand more memorable in the mind of the consumer and this means that if they need products or services like those offered by the company, this is the first one they remember thanks to liking the video. This feeling of face-to-face communication is essential to gain a foothold in the minds of users.
Once your video has been created, it has the possibility of continuing to spread and communicate the brand image you need in a much more personal way, something unthinkable for other marketing tools.
5. It is cheap and effective
There are various business marketing strategies, but currently, those that rely on video are winning the game by leaps and bounds. In fact, Internet videos are designed to be broadcast by their consumers, so we can establish their amount of success based on how many times it is viewed or shared, something that cannot be done even with television commercials. Nor with the radio messages.
Thanks to technological advances, it is becoming cheaper to create a corporate video. Both its production and distribution are within reach of any company that wants to hire this type of service without spending a large sum of money. In addition, today’s technology increases flexibility when recording and editing the final product to fully meet the company’s needs.
6. Get closer to your client
With the video, we break barriers. The client sees you directly and can check how you move and behave. This information, both verbal and non-verbal, is key for a person. With the video, you humanize the company and approach your client to talk about you.
You can take advantage of video in many channels within your recruitment marketing and all strategies. Do you need any ideas? The Internet is full of numbers that confirm video’s success in your marketing strategy. You can use it:
- To promote a service or product.
- To create conversations within Email Marketing.
- As a teaser for your post.
- To talk about the benefits of your product or service at any point in your sales funnel.
- To show the testimonials of your clients.
Tips for making a good video
I hope this post is 100% practical for you to start right now. I bring you some technical guidelines so that your first video can be beneficial :
- Video length: According to a study by experts, you have 10 seconds to capture users’ attention. Mobile users spend an average of 2.4 minutes, while computer users watch videos for an average of 2 minutes. I recommend that you do not extend to much.
- Spread your video: don’t leave it alone on YouTube. Share it on social networks. The platform that works best for video (after YouTube) is Facebook.
- Include interactive elements: this way, you will create a closer relationship with users. You can add links within the video or polls, for example.
- Transcribe the content: Google’s indexers still don’t crawl the video, only the text. Don’t forget to optimize the text for Google.
The content of your video must be valuable and offer relevant content for users, making what you say really useful for your client. Create a structure to offer all the information so that the user does not get lost. Write a kind of script that guides you and thus, you will not go off the rails. In addition, it will help you feel more secure and calm.
As for the language, do not forget that you are speaking to another human being, so normalize the conversation. If you write your script from start to finish, you’ll end up reading, and we don’t talk the same as we write.
As you can see, there are many reasons why a company should have a corporate video as part of its digital marketing strategy. An interactive content delights Internet users and makes them notice the company compared to other less interactive and more traditional options.
Author bio: This article is contributed by Harry from flexclip and he is a digital marketer and an enthusiast for photography and videography. He always tries to explore something new and he loves sharing tips and tricks on marketing.
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