Snakes, like most wild animals, are shy and do not want anything to do with humans. Their intention might be purely curiosity and hunger when they slither into your backyard. However, any wild animal lurking around a residential area will unsettle anyone, especially if it is a venomous snake.
The likelihood that a snake is dangerous depends on where you are. Commonly found snake species in North America are harmless. Moreover, extra precaution goes a long way while dealing with unknown snakes. You can identify the presence of a snake in your yard by checking for shed snakeskins, snake holes, snake droppings, and slithering tracks. Find out more on how one can confirm snake existence in the area.
The desire to keep snakes away from your family members is warranted; however, one needs to stay calm and cautious. You can learn more here about hiring a professional to help you get rid of snakes. To minimize the possibilities of unneeded snake encounters, follow these instructions on how to keep them away and prevent them from coming into your yard.
1. Remove Food Supply
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Snakes might become regular guests to your yard if there is an abundance of prey they can catch. Common victims are rodents, but snakes can also build an appetite for frogs, birds, moles, and fish. Consider hiring a pest control team to remove any of these animals from your house.
Additionally, if you have a pet dog or cat, try to feed them inside your house. This deters rodents and other animals to gather in your yard. Once you eliminate the food source, snakes will move on to another area in search of food.
2. Natural Predators are Friends
The saying “the enemy of my enemy is a friend” is ideal for this example. Foxes, raccoons, and eagles hunt snakes as their primary source of food. However, being a host to foxes might not be everyone’s cup of tea.
Then consider adopting animals like guinea hens, turkeys, pigs, and cats. They will help find snakes hiding in tall grass and chase them away from your house. Do not be surprised if your feline pet brings a dead snake to your house as a gift.
3. No More Hiding Places
As mentioned above, tall grass is enough for snakes to take up residence on your property. Many snakes search for shelter and hiding places to go unseen from a potential predator, i.e. an eagle. Carefully inspect your exterior structures of any suspicious dark and damp places. Snakes are known to live in cracks, crevices, and holes.
Keep your sheds sealed and locked so no wild animal finds shelter inside them. Also maintain your lawn regularly; keeping your grass short will make it easier for snakes to be spotted and hence less desirable. The neighbors will also appreciate a well-maintained lawn.
4. Repel Them Away
If you search online, you will find a list of snake repellents with a range of chemical foundations. From the traditional and natural methods, like pouring cat urine in suspicious areas, to more advanced commercial products, like Ortho Snake B Gon. Humans have been busy finding creative ways to keep snakes away. Burning fire pits for several days is also prescribed as snakes find smoke odor and fumes repulsive.
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